"Every firefighter is a hero every day."
When we lost Michael, the Last Call Foundation was born.

Michael R. Kennedy
October 11, 1980 - March 26, 2014
On March 26, 2014, a fire broke out in Boston's Back Bay. At 2:42 pm, the Boston Fire Department, Engine 33 responded to the first alarm and departed for the burning brownstone at 298 Beacon Street.
Michael Kennedy, a 33 year old Boston Firefighter and former US Marine Sergeant, was among the first firefighters to arrive on the scene. Michael and Fire Lieutenant Edward Walsh entered the front of the building in an effort to search for a resident reported to be inside, in a basement unit. The gale force winds blowing across the Charles River at the rear of the building, drove the flames into voids above the basement ceiling. When a door was opened at the rear of the building a flash over occurred, causing firefighters then entering the front of the building to be literally blown back out. It is assumed that flashover caused the hose burn through failure that left Michael and Ed’s calls for water “Charge the Line” unanswered. Though water was being pumped into the line the hose was burned through at the stairs. A Mayday call was issued and eventually 9 alarms were rung, 16 firefighters were injured that day, many while trying to reach thier trapped brothers.
A fire attack hose is a life line, both to bring water to the fire and lead disoriented firefighters back the path they entered. Failure of a fire hose is not acceptable to us in this day and age, and it should not be acceptable to anyone.
A firefighters call to “Charge The Line” should never go unanswered.