Research and Standards Development Funding
The Last Call Foundation funds academic research related directly to the fire service health wellness and safety issues, including funding fire service participation on NFPA Technical Committee standards committees to update and revise safety standards.
The Last Call Foundation listens to the issues relayed by members of the fire service and related organizations interested in addressing the health, wellness and safety issues firefighters face.
We work to ensure that the necessary resources are available to fire departments, to advance the safety needs of the firefighting community.
We are committed to enhancing the ability of our dedicated firefighting professionals to effectively and safely fight fires and protect the public.
First Responder Canteen and Comfort Truck
Thanks in part to a large grant from the Last Call Foundation, the Boston Sparks Association unveiled its brand new First Responder Canteen and Comfort Truck on Sunday, September 27, 2015.
In memory of Firefighter Michael Kennedy and Fire Lt. Edward Walsh
relief is brought to all firefighters on the fire ground.
The truck responds to multi-alarm emergencies and provides first responders with access to a variety of resources and respite ensuring that they are able to safely return to protecting the public.

Cancer Awareness, Education, Prevention
Firefighters are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with cancer than the population overall. The Last Call Foundation funded and rolled out a curriculum based on Boston’s successful cancer education program, training trainers for the Firefighter Cancer Support Network to reach firefighters across the United States.
Installation of Extractors
Exposure to contaminants and toxins, the products of combustion, linger on firefighters’ turnout gear contributing to firefighters’ high risk for cancer. An obvious preventive measure is simple, washing gear after every call. Extractors are industrial washers specifically designed for washing this gear. After a successful campaign to fund the purchase and installation of extractors in every Boston firehouse, LCF turned to advocating for legislation, which finally passed this session for the Commonwealth to provide this basic urgently needed equipment in every firehouse across the Commonwealth. A bill allocating $420,000 for a statewide extractor bulk-purchasing program, to begin to provide extractors in firehouses across the Commonwealth was finally passed. Much more funding is required. LCF will continue to push for a more rapid response and funding to stem one of the unnecessary and entirely avoidable daily exposures to carcinogens. Exposure to toxins and carcinogens is now a part of the job of firefighting. However, carrying those toxins around on what is meant to be protective gear is endangering the health welfare and safety the very lives of our firefighters.
There is nothing more frustrating than teaching firefighters about the measures they can take to prevent unnecessary exposures to carcinogens only to be told the most basic – washing gear is not available to them. Their station does not have an extractor…
New Respite and Relief Truck serving Greater Boston
Fire calls are arduous and tiring, leaving firefighters physically challenged, dehydrated and often exhausted. The Boston Sparks Association arrives on the scene of long duration fires with the First Responder Relief and Rehab Truck. When the Boston Sparks Association needed funding for a new truck, LCF came through. The new apparatus is designed to meet the needs of those who serve. We are proud to support the mission of the Boston Sparks Association and their dedicated volunteers who respond to give first responders vitally important sustenance hydration, food, respite and relief from extreme heat or cold.
Critical Needs Funding Support for Fire Houses and Firefighters
Sometimes a firehouse is struggling to keep antiquated equipment running. When no funding source can be found for a critically needed piece of equipment, LCF will provide the financial support needed. Sometimes firefighters in municipal fire departments—regardless of their position—need a hand. They can reach out to LCF.
Last Call Foundation has discovered that NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) technical committees, which set the industry standards for firefighter safety equipment, often do not have adequate fire service representation. The employers of manufacturers and researchers fund committee members, most of them actually are paid for their time serving on these committees. On the other hand, most of the fire service is so underfunded that there is literally no money in budgets to pay the expenses for qualified firefighter volunteers to join the committees and travel around the country attending meetings, tests and demonstrations. The voice of the most important and most experienced – Firefighters the end users—are not being heard as product testing and safety standards, directly impacting firefighters are being developed. FIREFIGHTERS MUST be able to participate and provide the needed voice of experience to push innovation and adapt new technologies to the fire service.
Last Call Foundation will financially support Firefighter memberships on NFPA Technical Committees. Please send your best and brightest most experienced and PARTICIPATE.